Physiotherapy and Urinary Incontinence

Our pelvic floor muscles may show some weakness in various women's health conditions, including pregnancy, postpartum, menopause and old age. Your awareness and proper strengthening are essential in preventing and treating your weakness.
Pelvic floor dysfunction is one of the causes of urinary incontinence (stress, urgency and mixed), but it can also be the cause of fecal incontinence, pelvic genital organ prolapses, sexual dysfunctions, changes in sensitivity and chronic pain syndromes.
The prevalence of urinary incontinence is higher in women between 15 and 64 years old and is due to several factors:
Differences in the anatomy of the pelvic floor muscles (PPM) and ligaments that support the bladder and sphincters;
Effect of motherhood on pelvic and sphincter structures;
Effect of hormones that have important receptors in the bladder, sphincters and vagina;
Genetic factors that are still poorly studied can explain racial and familial trends.
Physiotherapy is the treatment of choice in Female Urinary Incontinence, being a conservative treatment with fewer side effects; helps improve/restore pelvic floor function and bladder control.
Physiotherapy treatments for urinary incontinence consist of perineum-sphincter re-education through awareness and strengthening of the pelvic floor muscles with support of muscle stimulation and biofeedback.
Physiotherapy and Pregnancy

The Physiotherapist specialized in Women's Health can help the pregnant woman to go through this phase in a more relaxed manner and with less discomfort.
In this way, let's exemplify some discomforts in which we can help you:
Lower limb edema – prevention/treatment through manual lymphatic drainage, without risk to the hand or the baby;
Pain complaints – mainly at the level of the lumbosacral and dorsal spine – relief positions for prevention or treatment;
Feeling of difficulty in mobility and locomotion – performing mobility, flexibility and strengthening exercises appropriate to the condition;
Difficulty sleeping – counseling for various sleeping positions;
Anxiety – relaxation exercises.
Physiotherapy and the Postpartum

Postpartum is a troubled phase for all women. These are invaded by hormonal turmoil, have to accept a body that they do not yet recognize as theirs and are faced with the demand to feed and care for a newborn.
The Physiotherapist specialized in Women's Health can help you to go through this phase in a more harmonious way and with less physical discomfort, allowing you to recover your figure and regain your balance, in a safe and conscious way.
Postpartum sessions consist of the following:
Assessment/treatment of abdominal diastasis;
Teaching/stimulating the contraction of the pelvic floor muscles, in order to prevent/treat urine leakage when you cough, sneeze or make an effort;
Scar recovery (cesarean or perineal), preventing/treating adhesions or scar infections;
Strengthening of abdominal muscles through individual and progressive training;
Performing strengthening, stretching and mobility exercises;
Correction of incorrect postures regarding baby care, positioning during breastfeeding and baby transport.
Postpartum sessions can start from 6 weeks, in the case of vaginal delivery, and at 8 weeks, in cesarean section.
A Physiotherapist specialized in Women's Health will carry out an assessment and define an individualized and suitable program for your postpartum recovery.
Hypopressive Abdominal Gymnastic

Technique that involves the abdominal and pelvic region with the objective of reducing the intra-abdominal pressure and strengthening the internal muscles of the abdomen, strengthening the perineum and reducing the compression of the intervertebral discs in the lumbar region. The benefits of HAG are:
Improves posture and decreases back pain;
Strengthens and tones the abdominal wall;
Prevents and treats urinary incontinence;
Prevents and improves visceral ptosis (organ descent);
Stimulates the peristaltic movements of the intestine facilitating intestinal function;
Improves sexual activity by toning the pelvic floor, increasing circulation and sensitivity to touch in the perineum.
Physiotherapy for Breast Cancer

According to the National Oncological Registry, breast cancer survival significantly improved between 2000 and 2011. For this to continue in this way, it is essential to raise awareness and educate the entire population about the importance of prevention and early detection.
After surgical treatment for breast cancer, some complications may arise, the most devastating and most frequent of which, with the exception of disease recurrence, is lymph edema (lymphedema).
Lymphedema is the manifestation of the lymphatic system due to its insufficiency and lymph transport deficit and is characterized by: feeling of tightness and heaviness in the limb, tingling or feeling of a wrist watch becoming tight, joint pain, mainly in the shoulder, local heat, and occasionally lymph can flow through the pores of the skin (lymphorrhea).
In addition to lymphedema, they can also appear as associated problems: pain, changes in sensitivity, muscle weakness, joint stiffness of the upper limb, "thrombosis" of lymphatic collectors, breast edema, edema of the lower axillary region, scar edema and adhesion of the scar.
The shoulder joint stiffness, especially in the abduction and flexion movements, can be caused by the trauma of the surgery at the level of the breast and in the axillary excavation (when there is axillary lymph node emptying) and the development of possible scar fibrosis. This post-surgical condition can cause pain, leading to disuse and later muscle weakness of the entire upper limb.
In order to avoid this stiffness, you should perform specific exercises that will be indicated by your Physiotherapist.
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